Your purpose, Your difference.

Mercy Idowu
2 min readDec 27, 2020

Did you know that most people actually want to look fulfilled rather than being fulfilled? In this stage we are in life, everybody wants to look better than their neighbor/ friend, so they can go any length to make it look like they are successful. Knowing your purpose and working in that path is something that can lead to genuine fulfillment.

Your life purpose consists of the central motivating aims of your life. Its the reasons you get up in the morning. Purpose guide life decisions, influence your behavior, Shape goals and offer a sense of direction. It means different things to different individuals, for some people they find fulfillment in their vocation, while some is in making impact.

Purpose is unique for everyone. Your purpose can shift and change throughout life in response to the evolving priorities of your own experiences. Finding your purpose means finding a way to impact the world in a way that fulfills and satisfies you. It aligns with your dreams, your values and your actions.

“Purpose gives meaning to your existence”

Below are ways to discover and fulfill your purpose:

. Know yourself; Take time to explore and know who you really are. Identify your passions, your values & your goals.

. Explore your interest; Try out different things you love doing and find out the one that brings you the most fulfillment

. Walk with people that have similar goals with you; walking with people with like interest and passion brings you closer to your dream.

. Dare to dream and believe

. Take action, everyday; Once you begin to discover your passion, values and goals, work on aligning them with your goals daily.

. Define your own version of success; do not live your own life by someone else’s definition of success.

Always remember your purpose is your difference. In as much there cannot be another Oprah, there also cannot be another YOU. Strive to discover your purpose and fulfil it and the sky will be your starting point.

